Wednesday, September 1, 2010


one without a car.

As I was walking to court yesterday and it was 90+ degrees outside, I thought how easy it would be if I had a car, to drive the 4-5 blocks to court, which is not unusual when it comes to my office.

But then I thought about how simple life is without a car. Sure, I have to depend on people for rides, but worse case scenario, I would walk the 4 miles home, but public transportation is very accessible as well. The bus stop is less than a block from work and it stops a block from my house. I haven't used it yet, since my boo always drops me off and picks me up from work. My office is conveniently located right off the freeway in Downtown Lincoln and he would have to drive right past it to get to his office anyway.

On Friday nights when Seth works at his other job, my future Mother-in-law would pick me up and we would go on a Friday night date off to the mall or other girl-friendly destination. Now we only live half a mile from each other, so it's super easy too.

Financially speaking, I'm sure Seth and I are saving at least $10K a year with one less car. No monthly car payments, maintenance, oil changes, gas, insurance, etc. I'm sure eventually I would get a car, but probably when it becomes a huge inconvenience or when we have kids. But now, it seems to me that driving is really not a necessity. There are tons of people in the world without cars. It's actually very nice not to drive.


  1. I've been trying to get rid of mine for over a year. I just left it in Utah with my folks with a fresh For Sale sign in the window and moved overseas... And now I'm wishing I had a car... lol

  2. I wish Southern California was as non-car friendly, I would for sure prefer to bike/walk/bus it to places.
