Friday, July 30, 2010


1. a feeling of vexation, marked by disappointment or humiliation.
–verb (used with object)
2. to vex by disappointment or humiliation.
3. Obsolete

I remember a time when I would watch SportsCenter every night... feeling relieved when the TV room in the sorority house was unoccupied. I was always on top of my sports news, but in the past few years... with law school and everything, just really stopped following, not to mention the lack of cable.

My favorite sports journalists are still Bill Plaschke and Rick Reilly. I got to meet Bill Plaschke in high school at a journalism conference at USC (BOO!). He writes for the LA times and always has interesting articles about my Lakers and Bruins.

Rick Reilly, on the other hand, I never had the pleasure of meeting. But I felt like I knew him. Every week for years, I would get my Sports Illustrated in the mail and I would immediately turn to the last page and read that week's commentary. I loved it. Then when he stopped writing for SI, I stopped getting SI in the mail.

Maybe I should have stuck it out for Joe, but now we can just find anything online... thanks to Naheedy... one of the best articles I have read in a long time...


1. a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared.
2. an instance of such a figure of speech or a use of words exemplifying it.

I moved to Lincoln, Nebraska from Orange County, California last December. I moved for two reasons: 1) the love of my life and 2) an amazing job.

But, I do get homesick, for my mom and for my girlfriends. But thank goodness for Gchat and Skype, I'm doing just fine.

Messages like these that pop out of nowhere reminds me how lucky I am for the people in my life:

Jen: i love you Shirley Peng!!!!
how are you woman????????????
i love you like a fat kid loves cake

Jen's simile is my favorite simile of all time... and it's true, I do love cake.


a ballet enthusiast.

When I was younger, like almost all girls, I dreamed of ballet shoes and pink tutus. You would think my mother, who is all about self-improvement, would let me go to ballet classes.

But, I was too chubby, not graceful enough, and my skinny sister got to go instead. I remember sitting out in the car with my mom and watching her finish up her lessons with a group of skinny girls in their cute tutus.

Maybe that's why I always wanted to be skinny. Maybe this year...

Thursday, July 29, 2010


1. likely to change, esp. due to caprice, irresolution, or instability; casually changeable: fickle weather.
2. not constant or loyal in affections: a fickle lover.

I'm just really into crossword puzzles right now. I have been doing the LA Times crosswords everyday for the last 2 weeks. I just love it. I'm learning all sorts of random trivia, random words and abbreviations.

But I do feel like I'm the type that gets really into one thing for a month or two and then i find something else. Which is why I have rock climbing shoes, soccer cleats, a surfboard, volleyball knee pads, a gel seatpad for those spinning classes, spandax shorts for Bikram Yoga, etc.

And right now I'm in the middle of my crosswords obsession...